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Advantages of Having an Online Portfolio

Online portfolios are no longer limited to those in specific fields like computer analysts and web designers, with the growing age of technology we find ourselves looking for more and more ways to connect and introduce ourselves to others. Online portfolio compilation is just one of these methods; being in the repertoire of a new employee of a certain company is no longer considered unusual; online portfolios are very beneficial for many reasons.
First, you demonstrate an atmosphere of professionalism, rather than showcasing and showcasing your talents and work done to people not only in your area but around the world, and you also demonstrate creativity and innovation by presenting yourself in the more traditional portfolios that you carry. It is clear that since then we call it “World Wide Web”, then billions of people around the world are connected to the Internet, and if you have an image online, surely you will communicate with people who have the same interests as you.
Creating a portfolio online is just one way to showcase your talent to these people, and it can be easily modified and updated to suit their needs! Do you need to change any content? Easy! Do you need to upload a new video? It only takes a few minutes! It is not only easy, but also an effective way to show your talent. Second, if the interviewer sees on his resume that he has an online portfolio, he will surely click on this link. If he has taken the time to make his online portfolio neat and easy to read, an employer who sees that he has spent time writing his work and references from other companies will likely realize that he is committed and willing to spend time for what you do and not only that, it also shows your personality based on how you designed your portfolio online, effectively creating a good first impression. Finally, it improves your virtual presence and online visibility.
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Did I mention that we live in what can now be called the technological age? No? Well, read it again. Do you think the employer who reads your resume will not search for you on Google or Bing? In most cases, it will, and when it does, your online portfolio will be one of the first search results to appear if you have an online portfolio. Having an online portfolio also shows that you are a computer savvy, which is generally required in most jobs these days.
The decision to create a professional portfolio online can make a big difference for you. Let’s face it, we live in the age of technology, we are literally surrounded by technology, very soon we will be doing online interviews and portfolio builder will become a necessity. Why wait for this moment? Take advantage of your future friends and create your own portfolio online now!